Thursday, January 24, 2008


When I was a kid, I had a pair of red star shaped earrings. When times were particularly hard, I used to press on my earrings and call for Synergy (as in Jem and the Holograms) to come and save me. She never came to help me... bitch! Just a sidenote here, I blame Jem and the Holograms for the popularity of the name Kimber at some point in time in the 80's. It's just obviously one of those silly made up names that caught on. No offense to any Kimber's out there, only your parents.

Just the same as I used to press on my red star shaped earrings as hard as I could when times were bad; I used to take one of my books out into bushes beside my house and type as hard as I could on it pretending it was like Penny's computer book in Inspector Gadget. It never happened either, but it never stopped me from still trying and believing in it. I figured if I just kept trying, one day, Synergy would come save me or my book would finally turn into a computer like Penny's.

Thing is, when did we stop imagining and pretending like we did as kids? When did we stop believing? I love to live in my imagination now and I don't ever want to wake up because I don't want to stop dreaming. My dreams are so much better than the reality of bills, bills and more bills... and I have some pretty bad nightmares sometimes! If someone told me then that becoming an adult meant that you stopped imagining and pretending, I would have refused to grow up!

What made me start remembering and pondering all of these things is the shows Warren watches. Warren loves watching telly. I've made decisions as to what I think is and isn't alright for him to watch. He watches Playhouse Disney for the most part. I like the shows on Playhouse Disney because they encourage kids to use their imagination, teach them problem solving and teach them moral lessons. Warren also loves to watch Spongebob Squarepants. While Spongebob may not possess the qualities of the other shows on Playhouse Disney, it definitely has imagination, but lacks in consistency. But it doesn't matter because I love Spongebob as well. As much as I believe in using your imagination, there is this little girl in Higgley Town Heroes that annoys me! She always uses her imagination to come up with these outlandish solutions to problems and when she's told it won't work for whatever reason, she always says, 'Aw pickles.' God she annoys me, but Higgley Town Heroes in general annoys me, I can't stand that show! I digress...

I envy Warren and his childhood. His days of pretending and using his imagination ahead of him. I wish I could be on the same level as him. Although, I suppose there has to be that parent child boundary for obvious reasons. I just hope I'll be able to get on the same level as him to play with him. I'm refraining from saying, 'DOWN' on his level, because I don't think children are below us. I think they all have the upperhand. We should all be more like children. Then again, there's always that immature guy we all know that pretends he can get girls and imagines the day that he'll move out of his parents house... when he's 35! Maybe those immature guys hold the key to our future. Then again, maybe they just hold the key to their mom's minivan and go cruising for girls in it to bring them back to 'their' place, while their parents are on vacation!

Michael Jackson had the right idea, 'I believe that children are our future, let them laugh and let them lead the way'. He believed that so much that he put it to verse and had a hit with it. Or maybe he didn't, maybe someone else wrote it, who knows? Anyway, I don't know what was going through Jacko's head when singing that, but it's not a bad idea. Let children be our future, let them lead the way, let the children lead the world. The adults have had their chance and look how bad they've messed it up! I think the voting age should be lowered to 10 (but not the drinking age, that would be a bad idea). Just think, a 10 year old, all that newly acquired knowledge from school would be fresh in their heads. Their brains would be like sponges just waiting to soak up all kinds of new information. They'd be smarter than us! And, they'd know how to spell potato! No E! Just think of how wars would be fought if the world was ruled by 10 year olds? All we would need is a big cafeteria or alley as a war venue and make sure to have the school nurse at hand! Then again, everyone will be wanting to vote for their child, grandchild, niece, nephew, etc. I'm sure we could figure out a way around that.

Regardless, I'm nominating my niece Adena for president. She's a better candidate then any of them out there! She has a great imagination, and she'd rule with an iron fist and boss everyone around. She might even throw in some potty mouthed fighting words! Adena for president!

In summary, here are some words to live by, and I quote: I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid, there's a million toys at Toys R Us that I can play with, from bikes to trains to video games, the biggest toy store there is, I don't wanna grow up, cause if I did, I couldn't be a Toys R Us kid.

I knew that by heart, I didn't even have to look it up! Sad, you say? I don't think so. Unfortunately, we were too poor to shop at Toys R Us when I was a kid.... That's where my vivid imagination came in.

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