Thursday, November 03, 2005

Memories of an Ass

Do you ever think about all the things you've said or done throughout your life? Most things, you may not be able to remember. I would consider that fortunate if you weren't able to remember. Other things, YOU may not remember, but the person with you at the time may remember. Which they will inevitably remind you at a later date exactly what you did say or do.

Friends are a wonderful people to have in your life. Thankfully, yet unfortunately, most of the friends I have have been my friends for many, many years! Our bonds are deep rooted, we have all known each other since we were children. You know, back in those days when you couldn't blame alcohol for the things you said or did. Well, I suppose depending on your particular childhood anyway.

They say hindsight is 20/20. If I knew then what I know now, I would have chosen friends with short memories. Instead, I have friends that can tell me about things I said and did 20 odd years ago. Things, that I have long forgotten, if I ever remembered them in the first place. Things, that I would never want repeated to me again!

They should feel fortunate to have me as a friend. My memory is very random and selective, kind of like a politicians. I never forget a birthday or anniversary because I write it down. My memories are associated with events, places, feelings, etc. Sensory memories. I don't remember things I or other people have said. I forget what my husband has said to me two seconds after he's said it. If I was even listening in the first place! Seriously, I have asked him and he has told me at LEAST 10 times who a particular couple is. He tells me I ask him every time we see them. But I still don't remember their names and I couldn't tell you what they look like. Yet I could still rattle off Jabberwocky to you, piss drunk, even though I memorised it over 10 years ago.

I think we should be able to subject our friends and spouses to selective labotomies. Wipe out all of their memories of your most embarrassing moments and the stupidest things you've ever said. Then the slate is clean for you give them new embarrassing moments and stupid comments to fill their 'You' file with. So then they'll have new things to remind you of at a later date.

As that is not going to happen, I guess I'm just stuck being the eternal ass in everyone's mind.

1 comment:

Mrs. K said...

Honey, my darling...your friends not only remember funny or stupid those nicknames you always hated or how we used to sit on the benches in middle school and sing "You got friends in low places" but we also remember all those really great and inspiring things you have done in your life and we are honored to still be counted amongst your friends.